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ANSJIS legal services are comprised of an independent, non-profit law firm that provides free legal services to African Nova Scotian and Black people of African descent across Nova Scotia.


Our lawyers provide exceptional legal advocacy for clients involved in justice matters requiring a critical race lens.


Our mandate is to combat systemic anti-Black racism in the justice system through client representation, law and policy reform, and community-based strategic litigation.


We have two focus areas: Criminal Law, and Family Law & Child Welfare


ANSJI has limited capacity with respect to service delivery for individual client representation on legal matters.


As a result, ANSJI is not taking any adult criminal cases at this time.

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"Desiree did an amazing job representing me. I really appreciate not having to go through it alone. I am very grateful for Desiree's help resolving my summary offence ticket. She also worked with another community organization to assist me and provide me with the help I needed. I will work with her always whenever I need legal help. I know that Desiree and the African Nova Scotian Justice Institute wish me a good future and I thank them for that. I wish them continued success and prosperity.  I am very happy with the end result of my case."

-Mohamed Sodal

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