A resource list of additional organizations that provide additional Legal Services; and a resource list of Community and Family Service organizations that provide assistance with things such as housing, food security, addiction and recovery services, mental health services, family and community services, and other areas.
(Click here to skip to: Community and Family Service)
Legal Services:
Organization | Description | Location | Contact Info |
211 ns.211.ca | 24/7 connection to local community groups, non-profit and government organizations | Phone: 211 Online: ns.211.ca | |
Justice focused organization responding to systemic anti-Black racism -- law firm and social workers | 5832 Bilby Street, Hfx, NS B3K 1V8 | Phone: 902-492-5619
Toll Free: 1-888-428-4233 Email: info@ansji.ca | |
Bailiff Services hrmbailiffservices.com/home | Provincially appointed, fully insured and bonded bailiff service | 644 Portland street Unit 3 Suite 330 Dartmouth NS | Phone: 902-223-2450 E-mail : mike@hrmbailiffservices.com Online: hrmbailiffservices.com/home |
Community Justice Society (Restorative Justice) https://cjshfx.ca/contact/ | Restorative programs in Halifax area communities, ... delivering the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice Program (NSRJP) in the Halifax region for the provincial Department of Justice | Sir John Thompson Bldg., 1256 Barrington St, Suite 201, Hfx, NS B3J 1Y6 | |
Coverdale Justice Society coverdale.ca | Aid and advocacy for women, youth, and gender-diverse people across Nova Scotia | 6169 Quinpool Rd. Suite 221B Halifax, NS B3L 4P8 | Phone: 902-422-6417 Online: https://www.coverdale.ca/reach-out |
Criminal Injuries Counselling Program https://tinyurl.com/2cpyjqaf | Provides financial support for counselling to assist victims of violence to deal with trauma associated with the crime. | 1690 Hollis Street, 4th Floor, Halifax, NS B3J 3J9 Mailing: PO Box 7, Halifax, NS B3J 2L6 | Phone: 902-424-4651 Toll Free: 1-800-470-0773 Online: https://tinyurl.com/2cpyjqaf |
Dalhousie Legal Aid Service https://www.dal.ca/faculty/law/dlas.html | The first legal Service for low income communities in Nova Scotia and is the oldest clinical law program in Canada | 5746 Russell Street Halifax, NS B3K 0H8 | Phone: 902-423-8105
Fax: 902-422-8067
Email: legalaid@dal.ca (Please note that we do not provide legal advice by email) |
Justice Access (Bilingual) https://tinyurl.com/2at2w35r) | Support for access to justice services in both official languages in Nova Scotia | Online: https://tinyurl.com/2at2w35r | |
Law Foundation of Nova Scotia https://nslawfd.ca/ | "Enhancing public access to the law, legal education, research and reform, and the administration of justice" | 1305 Cogswell Tower, 2000 Barrington Street, Hfx, NS B3J 3K1 | Phone: 902-422-8335 |
Maintenance Enforcement Program https://mep.novascotia.ca/ | Helps you make or receive court-ordered maintenance payments when your court order is enrolled with the program& Can take steps to enforce maintenance orders when payments are not made | PO Box 183, Stn Main, New Waterford, NS B1H4N9 | 1-855-322-0934 902-424-0050 Toll Free: 1-800-357-9248 |
Nova Scotia Barrister’s Society nsbs.org | "As the regulator of Nova Scotia’s legal profession, we uphold and protect the public interest in the practice of law." | Cogswell Tower, 800–2000 Barrington Street, Halifax NS B3J 3K1 | 902-422-1491 |
Nova Scotia Department of Labour, Labour Standards Division https://tinyurl.com/26gvhxt9&https://novascotia.ca/lae/employmentrights/ | "If you work in a non-union workplace and have questions about hours of labour and breaks, deductions from pay, minimum wage, vacation pay, holiday pay, overtime, etc., you need to contact the Labour Standards Division by phone at 902-424-4311 or toll free at 1-888-315-0110. If you work in a union workplace and are a member of a trade union, you should first contact your union for assistance and information." | Office address: Summit Place, 3rd Floor 1601 Lower Water Street, Suite 304 Halifax, Nova Scotia Mailing address: PO Box 202 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2M4 | |
Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission https://humanrights.novascotia.ca/ | "An independent government agency tasked with administering the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act ("the Act"), a provincial statute created in 1969, with the most recent amendments in November 2012." | 5657 Spring Garden Road, Park Lane Terrace, 3rd Floor, Suite 305 Mail: P.O. Box 2221 Hfx, NS B3J 3C4 | Phone: 902-424-4111
Toll Free: 1-877-269-7699 Email: hrcinquiries@gov.ns.ca |
Nova Scotia Legal Aid http://www.nslegalaid.ca | "At Nova Scotia Legal Aid, we are here to help Nova Scotians facing criminal, family or social justice issues. Social Justice law provides help with income security and housing issues. So, for example if you have an issue with your landlord, or with income assistance, CPP, or EI we can help. | HRM Duty Counsel: 402 – 5475 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, NS B3J 3T2 Halifax (Family): 100 – 7001 Mumford Road, Halifax Place, 1st Floor Halifax Shopping Centre, Halifax, NS B3L 4R3 Social Justice Office: 100 – 7001 Mumford Road, Halifax Place, 1st Floor Halifax Shopping Centre, Halifax, NS B3L 4R3 Dartmouth (Family): 1210-99 Wyse Road, Dartmouth, NS B3A 4S5 Child Protection: 1210-99 Wyse Road, Dartmouth, NS B3A 4S5 Youth Criminal: 401-5475 Spring Garden Road, Hfx, NS B3J 3T2 Adult Criminal Halifax: 400- 5475 Spring Garden Road, Hfx, NS B3J 3T2 Adult Criminal Dartmouth: 300 - 99 Wyse Road, Dartmouth, NS B3A 4S5 | Online: https://www.nslegalaid.ca/contact-us/ HRM Duty Counsel: 902-420-7800 Halifax (Family): 902-420-3450 Toll Free: 1-866-420-3450 Social Justice Office: 902-420-3464 Dartmouth (Family): 902-420-7921 Toll Free: 1-855-420-7921 Child Protection: 902-420-8897 Youth Criminal: 902-420-6569 Adult Criminal Halifax: 902-420-6583 Adult Criminal Dartmouth: 902-420-8815 Toll Free: 1-877-420-8818 |
Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission https://ns.211.ca/services/6030148/agency/nova-scotia-legal-aid-commission/ | Helps people facing criminal, family or social justice issues. | 1701 Hollis Street, Suite 710 Halifax, NS, B3J 3M8 Canada | Toll Free: 1-877-420-6578 Executive Office: 902-420-6578 Online: https://ns.211.ca/services/6030148/agency/nova-scotia-legal-aid-commission/ |
The Nova Scotia Office of the Ombudsman https://ombudsman.novascotia.ca/ | "The Office of the Ombudsman addresses complaints involving provincial or municipal government departments, agencies, boards and commissions." "We are non-partisan and operate as an independent oversight agency. All complaints filed with the office are confidential and not subject to Freedom of Information requests." | 5657 Spring Garden Road, Suite 200, Hfx, NS Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2152, Hfx, NS B3J 3B7 | Email: ombudsman@novascotia.ca Phone: 902-424-6780 Toll Free: 1-800-670-1111 |
(The Halifax) Workers’ Action Centre https://www.halifaxwac.ca/ | The goal of the Halifax WAC is to improve the lives and working conditions of people in low-wage and precarious employment. The centre provides information and education to enable workers to organize to promote, protect, and enhance their rights. This includes organizing workers within their workplace, as well as to fight for legislative changes to benefit working people in our province." | Email: info@halifaxwac.ca Phone: 902-221-0755 | |
Workers’ Advisers Program https://novascotia.ca/lae/wap/ | "The Workers' Advisers Program is a legal clinic that is funded by the provincial government offering services to injured workers." "Our purpose is to provide legal assistance when an injured worker has been denied Workers' Compensation Board benefits." | 5640 Spring Garden Road, Suite 309, Hfx, NS B3J 3M7
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1063, Hfx, NS B3J 3M7 | Phone: 902-424-5050
Toll Free: 1-800-774-4712 |
Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia https://www.wcb.ns.ca/ | "The Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia (WCB) is the province’s provider of workplace injury insurance. We inform and inspire Nova Scotians in the prevention of workplace injury, but when it occurs, we support those whose lives it touches, fostering a timely and safe return to work. We also provide caring, compassionate support in the wake of workplace tragedy." | 5668 South St., P.O. Box 1150, Hfx, NS B3J 2Y2 | Phone: 902-424-5050
Toll Free: 1-800-774-4712 |
Community & Family Services
Organization | Description | Location | Contact Info |
211 ns.211.ca | 24/7 connection to local community groups, non-profit and government organizations | Phone: 211 Online: ns.211.ca | |
Adsum for Women & Children https://adsumforwomen.org/ - Adsum Centre - Adsum House - Adsum Court - The Alders by Adsum - THE 107 | "Adsum shelters and houses as many as 170 people each day and more than 350 persons in a year, at an Adsum location. Hundreds more are supported in the community, by the housing team, to find safe and affordable homes with ongoing services for stable housing, food, clothing and connection." | Multiple Locations: https://adsumforwomen.org/contact | Office: 902-423-5049
Crisis: 902-429-4443 Online: https://adsumforwomen.org/contact |
AKOMA Family Center https://akoma.ca/ | Child and Youth Caring Program, that provides a safe and nurturing environment for children age 3-12 with developmental and behavioural needs. We have developed an innovative approach that blends Afri-Centric Trauma- Informed Care principles, with best practices in the Autism field. | 1018 Main Street, Dartmouth, NS B2W 4X9 | 902-434-0674 https://akoma.ca/contact-us/ |
Atlantic Region Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (ARAISA) https://araisa.ca/ | "The Atlantic Region Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (ARAISA) is a non-profit umbrella organization that has been providing support to the settlement and integration sector in Atlantic Canada for 30 years." | 2132B-6960 Mumford Road Halifax NS B3L 4P1Â | Email: info@araisa.ca Phone: 902-431-3203 |
Avalon (Sexual Assault Centre) https://avaloncentre.ca/ | "Avalon works to end sexualized violence and help those who’ve been affected by it. Our not-for-profit organization is deeply rooted in the community and provides services across Nova Scotia." | 401 - 1526 Dresdon Row Hfx, NS B3J 3K3 | Online: https://avaloncentre.ca/contact-us/ Email: info@avaloncentre.ca Office: 902-422-4240 Crisis: 902-425-0122 For appt: 902-817-3821 |
Barry House https://tinyurl.com/232k9m6e | Provides shelter services for individuals who identify as female or who are gender diverse and are experiencing homelessness. | 2706 Gottingen St., Hfx, NS B3K 3C7 | 902-422-8324 |
Bayers Westwood Family Resource Centre https://tinyurl.com/24dgjh52 | From Public Health Agency of Canada | Bayers Westwood 3499 McAlpine Avenue Halifax, NS B3L 3X9 | |
Brunswick Street Mission https://www.brunswickstreetmission.org/ | Breakfast Program, Food Bank, Outreach Program, Tax Return Program | 2107 Brunswick St.
Hfx, NS
B3K 2Y4
Food bank hours: Tuesday through Thursday from 9:30am to 11:30 and 12:30pm to 2:30pm. | Telephone: 902-423-4605 Email: mission@brunswickstreetmission.org Outreach Program - Email: outreach@brunswickstreetmission.org |
Bryony House https://bryonyhouse.ca/ | "Bryony House is a 24-room shelter. Each year, approximately 500 women and children stay with us and 2,500 distress calls are answered." | 112 Tacoma Drive Dartmouth, NS B2W 3E9 | Contact Form: https://bryonyhouse.ca/contact-us/ Office Phone: 902-429-9002 Crisis Line: 902-422-7650 |
Chebucto Family Centre http://chebuctofamilycentre.ca/ | "Chebucto Family Centre provides free services and supports to families and community members. These include but are not limited to: advocacy and support, health and wellness programs, prenatal and parenting classes, our Volunteer Doula Program, children and youth programming, family play times and operating as a Family Home Child Care Agency." | 3 Sylvia Avenue Halifax, NS B3R 1J7 | Phone: 902-479-3031 Additional contact info: http://chebuctofamilycentre.ca/about/ |
Coverdale Justice Society coverdale.ca | Aid and advocacy for women, youth, and gender-diverse people across Nova Scotia | 6169 Quinpool Rd. Suite 221B Halifax, NS B3L 4P8 | Phone: 902-422-6417 Online: https://www.coverdale.ca/reach-out |
Dalhousie Social Work Community Clinic https://www.dal.ca/faculty/health/socialwork/programs/Dalhousie-School-of-Social-Work-Community-Clinic.html | The Clinic is staffed by two Dalhousie social work coordinators, a mental health social work counselor, a housing support worker and a social work community case worker. | 5595 Fenwick St, Suite 100, Halifax, NS B3H 4M2 | Phone: 902-494-2753 |
Dartmouth Family Centre https://tinyurl.com/29zarar7 | Operating as a non-profit organization, the Centre offers a multitude of free programs and services aimed at fostering the well-being and healthy development of children, parents, and the wider community. | 107 Albro Lake Road Dartmouth, NS B3A 3Y7 | Roxanne Manning Telephone: (902) 464-8234 x226 Fax: (902) 464-8232 Email: info@dartmouthfamilycentre.ca Alternate email: rmanning@dartmouthfamilycentre.ca |
Elizabeth Fry Society https://www.efrymns.ca/ | A non-profit, charitable organization devoted to improving the lives of marginalized groups of identified women, girls, non-binary, and gender diverse individuals who have been let down by broken systems that perpetuate inequality. | 85 Queen Street, Dartmouth, NS B2Y 1G7 HOLLY HOUSE: 1 Tulip Street, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2S3 TRURO: 25 Revere Street Truro, NS B2N 3J9 902 897 0852 | Email: ed@efrymns.ca Phone: 902-454-5041 Online Contact Form: https://www.efrymns.ca/contact |
Family S.O.S. https://www.familysos.ca/ | A local, non-profit, child-centered organization directed toward building strong and healthy families. Family SOS will proactively provide services and support to families and communities in need and adapt as their need and families evolve. As an inclusive family support agency, Family SOS offers FREE comprehensive programs that will benefit all family members. | 4 Cranberry Court, Halifax NS B3R 2E5 | Online Contact Form: https://www.familysos.ca/contact Phone: 902.455.5515 Email (General Inquires): info@familysos.ca Parenting Support: parentsupport@familysos.ca Children & Youth Afterschool/Summer Programs: healthykidz@familysos.ca Becoming a Donor |
Feed Nova Scotia https://www.feednovascotia.ca/ | Food Bank | 67 Wright Avenue Dartmouth NS B3B 1H2 | Phone: 902-457-1900 Fax: 902-457-4500 Open: Weekdays 8am - 4:30pm Online Contact Form: https://www.feednovascotia.ca/about/contact |
Halifax Refugee Clinic https://halifaxrefugeeclinic.org/ | "Our mandate is to provide legal representation for those claiming refugee status in Nova Scotia. To ensure that they are given a fair opportunity to present their cases before the immigration and Refugee Board; and that throughout the process, their rights and their integrity are fully respected." | 5538 Macara Street Hfx, NS B3K 1V9 Mailing address: P.O. Box 9657 RPO CSC NS B3K 5S4 | Phone Number: + 1 (902) 422-6736 Email Address: halifaxrefugeeclinic@gmail.com Online Contact Form: https://halifaxrefugeeclinic.org/contact/ |
Halifax Youth Attendance Centre (HYAC) https://novascotia.ca/just/Corrections/_docs/HYAC.pdf | "HYAC addresses the needs of medium to high risk youth, under court order, living in the Halifax Regional Municipality, by providing a variety of structured group and individual programs and services." | 6067 Quinpool Road Hfx, NS B3L 1A2 | 902-424-0233 |
Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) https://isans.ca/ | "ISANS is a non-profit organization that provides settlement and integration services to immigrants who are in or are destined for communities across Nova Scotia. By offering comprehensive programs and supports, as well as a dedicated and caring team, we help immigrants build a promising future here." | 6960 Mumford Road, Suite 2120 Hfx, NS B3L 4P1 2717 Joseph Howe Drive, Second Floor Hfx, NS B3L 4T9 7071 Bayers Rd, Suite 164 (Desmond Ave entrance) Hfx, NS B3L 2C2 | Phone: 902-423-3607 Online: https://isans.ca/sign-up-to-become-an-isans-client/ |
Kids Help Line (24 hour) https://kidshelpphone.ca/ | "Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, multilingual and confidential support to help all young people Feel Out Loud." | 1-800-668-6868 Online: https://kidshelpphone.ca/get-involved/contact-us/ | |
Marguerite Centre (addiction recovery for women) https://themargueritecentre.com/ | "A place of healing for women recovering from addiction. Located near Halifax, The Marguerite Centre is the only facility of its kind for women in Nova Scotia." | 3178 St Margarets Bay Rd, Timberlea, NS B3T 1J1 | Online Contact Form: https://themargueritecentre.com/#contact General inquiries: 902.876.0006 Admission and program inquiries: 902.444.3190 Fax 902-876-1337 Email: info@themargueritecentre.com Mailing Address: PO Box 1, Lakeside, Nova Scotia B3T 1M6 |
Metro Turning Point https://tinyurl.com/2cptzdet | A shelter for men experiencing homelessness. We offer support services from a guest centered approach. | 2170 Barrington St. Hfx, NS B3K 2W3 | 1 (902) 420 3282
Fax: 902 420 1018
http://www.shelternovascotia.com Additional Contact Info: https://nechc.com/what-we-do/housing-first/metro-turning-point-centre/ |
Mi’Kmaq Family & Children Services https://mfcs.ca/ | "Our programs are developed to integrate our Mi’kmaw culture into the healing approach, bringing families together, keeping children in the care of their families and community, and strengthening familial ties." | 520 Church Street, Indian Brook, NS Mail: Box 179, Shubenacadie, Hants County, NS B0N 2H0 Additional Locations: https://mfcs.ca/contact-us/ | E-mail: support@mfcsns.ca Phone: 1-800-263-8686 902-758-3553 Additional Contact Info: https://mfcs.ca/contact-us/ |
New Start (Abuse Counseling) https://www.newstartcounselling.ca/ | A not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting healthy relationships. Our services include individual and group counselling for those who have used abuse or violence within their relationships, and counselling for partners/former partners of clients. | 45 Alderney Drive, Suite 900 Dartmouth, NS B2Y 2N6 | Phone: 902-423-4675 Fax: 902-431-3033 Email: info@newstartcounselling.ca Online Contact Form: https://www.newstartcounselling.ca/contact-us |
North End Community Health Centre https://nechc.com/ | A full-service health clinic for residents living in the North End of Halifax. | 500 – 2131 Gottingen Street, Halifax, NS B3K 5Z7 | Phone: 1 (902) 420-0303 1 (902) 422-0859 E-Mail: northend@nechc.com Online Contact Form: https://nechc.com/contact/ |
North End Parent Resource Centre https://neprc.ca/ | "The North End Parent Resource Centre is committed to the growth and development of healthy families by providing programs and services in a safe and inclusive environment." | 5475 Uniacke Street Halifax, NS B3K 5V5 | E-Mail: parentresource@hotmail.com Phone: (902) 492-0133 Online Contact Form: https://neprc.ca/contact |
Nova Scotia Provincial Housing Agency https://nspha.ca/ | "The Nova Scotia Provincial Housing Agency maintains, manages and operates public housing for low-income Nova Scotians." | Metropolitan District: 3-3770 Kempt Road Hfx, NS B3K 4X8 Corporate Office: Maritime Centre, 1505 Barrington Street, 14th Floor Hfx, NS B3J 3K5 | Contact Info: https://nspha.ca/contact-us |
Parker Street Food & Furniture Bank https://parkerstreet.org/ | "From food, furniture and housewares to emergency assistance, school supplies and Christmas dinners, Parker Street Food & Furniture Bank is here for Halifax." | 2415 Maynard Street Halifax, NS B3K 3V2 | Additional contact info and contact form: https://parkerstreet.org/contact/
E-Mail: info@parkerstreet.org
Phone: 902-425-2125 |
Phoenix Centre for Youth https://www.phoenixyouth.ca/ | Phoenix Youth Programs provides a continuum of care for youth ages 11-24, their families, and communities. | 6035 Coburg Rd Halifax, NS B3H 4R7 | Phone: 902-422-3105 Toll-free: 1-866-620-0676 |
Phoenix House | 2385 Hunter St. Hfx, NS B3K 4V7 | 902-422-5583 | |
Phoenix Shelter for Youth | 1094 Tower Road, Hfx, NS | Email: shelter@phoenixyouth.ca 902-405-3107 Toll Free: 1-888-878-5088 | |
Reigh Allen Centre https://www.homebridgeyouth.ca/reigh-allen-centre | "The Reigh Allen Centre is a short-term emergency crisis and stabilization program for youth. It focuses on providing care for up to 14 youth, under 18 years of age, who are in need of stabilization, respite, or short-term placement. The centre is divided into three living units, The Birches Unit, the Cedars Unit and a specialist unit, known as the Maples Unit." | HomeBridge Youth Society 270 Pleasant Street, Dartmouth. Nova Scotia, B2Y 3S3 | Phone: 902.466.1439 Fax: 902.466.0466 Online Contact Form: https://www.homebridgeyouth.ca/contact |
Salvation Army Community & Family Services https://salvationarmy.ca/what-we-do/in-your-community/social-services/family-services/ | The Salvation Army provides a wide variety of holistic support programs, designed to meet specific needs of the community where we live. | Centre of Hope, 2044 Gottingen St. Hfx, NS B3K 3A9 Additional Locations: https://salvationarmy.ca/atlantic/nova-scotia/ | Phone: (902) 422-1598 Email: office@halifaxcentreofhope.ca Additional Contact Info: https://salvationarmy.ca/atlantic/nova-scotia/ |
Seniors Info Line (City of Halifax) / Department of Seniors https://beta.novascotia.ca/government/seniors-and-long-term-care | "We oversee long-term care facilities and homecare agencies throughout the province. We also provide leadership and policy coordination across government." | 1741 Brunswick Street Hfx, NS B3J 3X8 | |
Stepping Stone (sex worker support) https://steppingstonens.ca/ | Stepping Stone Nova Scotia is a not for profit organization that provides services and support to current and former sex workers. | Drop-In Centre: 32 Primrose Street Dartmouth NS B3A 4C5 | 902-422-9665 Additional Contact Info: https://steppingstonens.ca/contact-us/ |
Veith House https://www.veithhouse.com/ | Programs for children and adults focused on helping newcomers settle into the community. | 3115 Veith St. Hfx, NS B3K 3G9 | 902-453-4320 Email: info@veithhouse.ns.ca |
Vital Statistics Office https://beta.novascotia.ca/programs-and-services/vital-statistics | Certificates, licences and registrations | 1505 Barrington Street, 5th Floor Halifax, NS B3J 3K5 | Apply Online: https://beta.novascotia.ca/programs-and-services/vital-statistics Email: vstat@novascotia.ca Phone: 902-424-4381 Mailing address: PO Box 157, Halifax NS B3J 2M9 |
Wood Street Centre | Wood Street Centre Campus provides a secure treatment program for children and youth who are in the care of the Minister of Community Services or Mi’kmaw Family & Children’s Services of Nova Scotia and who are suffering from an emotional and/or behavioural disorder and who require confinement in order to remedy or alleviate the disorder. | 225 Wood Street Truro, NS B2N 7H9 | 902-221-0755 |